The Trixel type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCartesianToHid
Convert a Cartesian coordinate to a HID. Given a Cartesian coordinate and a level number, it returns the 64 bit HID. WARNING! x, y, z are assumed to be normalized, so this function doesn't waste time normalzing.
Public methodStatic memberCartesianToHid20
Convert a location as a normalized Cartesian to a level-20 HtmID. if the paramater is a Cartesian.Nan then an invalid HtmID (0) is returned (there are no integer NaNs).
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberExtend
Extend given HID to a desired level. The opposite of truncate. However, because there are many descendents, the result is a range of consecutive HIDs. The low and hi values are returned in the out variables.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberIsAncestor
Decide whether or not a node in the tree of a given HtmID is an ancestor of another node
Public methodStatic memberIsValid
Decide if the given 64-bit integer is a valid HtmID
Public methodStatic memberLevelOfHid
Returns the level number of an HtmID
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberNameToHid(String)
Convert the trixel from text to 64 bit HID.
Public methodStatic memberNameToHid(array<Char>[]()[][], Int32)
Convert the trixel from text to 64 bit HID The character array must be of size eMaxNameSize, and it is not necessary to have null termination. The number of siginificant characters in the trixel's name is given as a parameter.
Public methodStatic memberNameToTriangle
Convert the named trixel to a triangle described by three vertices. The vertices are given by three arrays of three doubles. The coordinates of the triangles are given in the order (x, y, z) and so that the location is on the surface of a unit sphere
Public methodStatic memberParse
Convert input string (numeric e.g. 969 or text e.g. N3021) to (long) HtmID.
Public methodStatic memberToName
Convert a 64-bit HID to a text desciption of the trixel.
Public methodToString()()()()
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberToString(Int64)
Convert a HtmID to its textual representation
Public methodStatic memberToTriangle
Get the coordinates of the 3 corners of the trixel desscribed by the given HtmID.
Public methodStatic memberTruncate
Truncate the HtmID to a lower level (hence fewer bits) The HtmID of a trixel implicitly contains the level of the trixel. When you need a lower level trixel that contains the trixel of the given HtmID, this function gives it to you. If the level of the given HtmID is less than or equal to the desired level, then there is no change.
Public methodStatic memberXyzToHidName
Find the string representation of the HtmID to a given level of a unit vector The vector must be normalized.


Public fieldStatic memberDblTolerance
Twice the double precision tolerance
Public fieldStatic memberEpsilon
This tolerance is used for comparing fractional roots
Public fieldStatic memberEpsilon2
This tolerance is used for comparing angles
Public fieldStatic memberTrixelNameLength
Maximum number of characters in text descriptions Whenever character arrays are used to keep the text description of a trixel, they must be exactly eMaxNameSize characters long

See Also