The Convex type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Convex()()()() |
Creates an empty convex.
| |
Convex(Int32) |
Creates an empty convex of given capacity.
| |
Convex(Convex) |
Creates a convex from another one.
| |
Convex(Halfspace) |
Creates a convex with a single halfspace in it.
| |
Convex(IEnumerable<(Of <<'(Halfspace>)>>)) |
Creates a convex from a collection of halfspaces.
| |
Convex(IList<(Of <<'(Halfspace>)>>)) |
Creates a convex from a list of halfspaces.
| |
Convex(List<(Of <<'(Cartesian>)>>), PointOrder) |
Creates a polygon from a list of points.
| |
Convex(Halfspace, Boolean) |
Creates a convex with a single halfspace in it.
| |
Convex(Double, Double, Double) |
Creates a circle of specified center (RA, Dec) and radius (arcmin).
| |
Convex(Cartesian, Cartesian, Cartesian) |
Creates a triangle from three points.
Name | Description | |
Add |
Adds a halfspace to the convex.
| |
AddRange |
Adds a collection of halfspaces to the convex.
| |
Clear |
Removes all halfspaces.
| |
Clone |
Returns a clone of the given convex.
| |
ComparisonAreaAscending |
Compares two convexes by area.
| |
ComparisonAreaDescending |
Compares two convexes by area.
| |
Contains(Cartesian) |
Determines whether the convex covers a point.
| |
Contains(Cartesian, Double, Double) |
Determines whether the convex covers a point.
| |
Difference |
Returns the difference of this convex and another.
| |
DoesCollide |
Determines whether the convex collides with another.
| |
Equals |
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
Exists |
Determines whether a halfspace matches the specified conditions.
| |
Finalize |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
Grow |
Increases the angles of all halfspaces by the given amount.
| |
HasCommonHalfspace |
Determines whether two convexes have a common halfspace.
| |
HasESignNegative |
Determines whether the list of halfspaces contains a hole.
| |
HasOnlyOneCommonHalfspace |
Determines whether two convexes have only one common halfspace within specified accuracy.
| |
HasOnlyOneESignNegative |
Determines whether only one halfspace is a hole.
| |
IndexFirstCommonHalfspacePair |
Returns the indices of the first pair of halfspaces that are common.
| |
Intersect(Convex) |
Intersects the convex with the specified convex.
| |
Intersect(Halfspace) |
Intersects the convex with the specified halfspace.
| |
MecContains(Cartesian) |
Determines whether the minimal enclosing circles of the patches
contain the specified point.
| |
MecContains(Cartesian, Double, Double) |
Determines whether the minimal enclosing circles of the patches
contain the specified point.
| |
MecDisjoint |
Determines whether the minimal enclosing circles of two convexes are disjoint.
| |
MemberwiseClone |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
Parse |
Parses a string of 'CONVEX x1 y1 z1 d1 x2... dN' into a Convex
| |
RemoveAt |
Removes the halfspace at the specified index.
| |
RemoveRange |
Removes a range of halfspaces.
| |
Same |
Determines whether two convexes are the same within the specified accuracy.
| |
Simplify()()()() |
Simplifies the description of convex by computing the roots and the optimal representation.
| |
Simplify(Boolean) |
Simplifies the description of convex by computing the roots and the optimal representation.
| |
SmartContains(Cartesian) |
Determines whether the convex covers the specified point by
first testing the minimal enclosing circles.
| |
SmartContains(Cartesian, Double, Double) |
Determines whether the convex covers the specified point by
first testing the minimal enclosing circles.
| |
SmartDifference |
Returns the difference of this convex and the specified one.
| |
SmartIntersect |
Intersects the convex with another one by comparing the minimal enclosing circles first.
| |
Sort |
Sorts the halfspaces of the convex by radius, x, y and z.
| |
ToString()()()() |
Returns the string representation.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().) | |
ToString(String) |
String representation.
| |
TrueForAll |
Determines whether every halfspace matches the specified conditions.
Name | Description | |
Revision |
Revision from CVS
Name | Description | |
Area |
Gets the area of the convex.
| |
Capacity |
Gets or sets the total number of halfspaces the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
| |
Count |
Gets the number of halfspaces.
| |
ESign |
Gets the extended sign property.
| |
HalfspaceList |
Gets a readonly collection of the halfspaces.
| |
PatchList |
Gets the list of patches.
| |
Simplified |
Gets value determining whether convex is simplified.
| |
Sorted |
Gets value determining whether halfspaces are sorted.
| |
XmlSerialization |
Used by the XML serializer.