The Sql type exposes the following members.


Public methodSql
Initializes a new instance of the Sql class


Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberfDistanceEq
double fDistanceEq(ra1,dec1,ra2,dec2) returns distance in ArcMinutes between two points.
Public methodStatic memberfDistanceLatLon
double fDistanceLatLon(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2) returns distance in ArcMinutes between two points.
Public methodStatic memberfDistanceXyz
double fDistanceXyz(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) returns distance in ArcMinutes between two points.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverBinaryAdvanced
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverCircleEq
fHtmCoverCircleEq(ra,dec,radiusArcMin) returns a trixel table (a list) covering
the circle centered at that J2000 ra,dec, within that arc-minute radius.
A trixel table is a list of HtmStart,HtmStop pairs that describe
the HTM triangles (all points of a triangle are between its HtmStart and HtmStop.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverCircleLatLon
fHtmCoverCircleLatLon(ra,dec,radiusArcMin) returns a trixel table (a list) covering
the circle centered at that lat,lon, within that arc-minute radius.
A trixel table is a list of HtmIDStart,HtmIDEnd pairs that describe
the HTM triangles (all points of a triangle are between its HtmIDStart and HtmIDEnd.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverCircleXyz
fHtmCoverCircleXyz(x,y,z,radiusArcMin) returns a trixel table (a list) covering
the circle centered at that x,y,z, within that arc-minute radius.
A trixel table is a list of HtmIDStart,HtmIDEnd pairs that describe
the HTM triangles (all points of a triangle are between its HtmIDStart and HtmIDEnd.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverList
fHtmCoverList(regionspec) returns a list of HtmID's that describe the HTM triangles covering the region.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverRegion
fHtmCoverRegion(region) returns a list of HtmStart,HtmStop pairs
that describe the HTM triangles covering the region.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverRegionAdvanced
fHtmCoverRegionAdvanced(region) returns a list of HtmStart,HtmStop pairs
that describe the HTM triangles covering the region. Inner and Outer triangles. are treated separately.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverRegionError
fHtmCoverRegionError(coverspec) returns diagnostic message appropriate for a bad region string or "OK" if there are no errors
Public methodStatic memberfHtmCoverRegionSelect
fHtmCoverRegionSelect(regionspec) returns a the qualified list of HtmIDStart,HtmIDEnd pairs
that describe the level 20 trixels covering the region.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmEq
fHtmEq(ra,dec) returns the 20-deep HtmID of the given equatorial point.
There are no error cases. all RA, folded to [0..360] and dec to [-90...90]
Public methodStatic memberfHtmEqToXyz
XyzTable(x,y,z) fHtmEqToXyz(ra, dec) converts an equitorial point to a table with one row containing the cartesian point (x,y,z)
Public methodStatic memberfHtmGetCenterPoint
fHtmGetCenterPoint(HtmID) converts an HTM triangle ID to an (x,y,z) vector of the HTM triangle centerpoint. and returns that vector as the only row of a table.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmGetCornerPoints
fHtmGetCornerPoints(HtmID) converts an HTM triangle ID to an table of three (x,y,z) vectors of the HTM triangle corners.
Public methodStatic memberfHtmGetString
fHtmGetString(HtmID) returns varchar(max)a string describing the HtmID
Public methodStatic memberfHtmLatLon
fHtm(lat,lon) returns the 20-deep HtmID of the given location. There are no error cases. all RA, folded to [0..360] and dec to [0...90]
Public methodStatic memberfHtmLatLonToXyz
XyzTable(x,y,z) fHtmLatLonToXyz(lat, lon) converts an lat,lon point to a table with one row containing the cartesian point (x,y,z)
Public methodStatic memberfHtmRegionToNormalFormString
Public methodStatic memberfHtmRegionToTable
fHtmRegionToTable(region) converts a region definiton a table of halfspaces
Public methodStatic memberfHtmVersion
fHtmVersion() returns the version number of this htm library as a string
Public methodStatic memberfHtmXyz
fHtmXyz(x,y,z) returns the 20-deep HtmID of the given cartesian point. There are no error cases. All vectors are nomalized and 0,0,0 maps to 1,0,0
Public methodStatic memberfHtmXyzToEq
EqTable(ra, dec) fHtmXyzToEq(x,y,z) converts the cartesian point (x,y,z) to a table with one row containing the equivalent equitorial (ra,dec) point
Public methodStatic memberfHtmXyzToLatLon
LatLonTable(lat,lon) fHtmXyzToLatLon(x,y,z) converts the cartesian point (x,y,z) to a table with one row containing the equivalent lat,lon point
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

See Also